I started searching for Orange Bread recipes from the net, but couldn't find any. Most of the recipes were quick bread, not the kind I was looking for, something more towards our asian bread, soft and fluffy. So I decided to be daring and create one instead.
Given my limited knowledge on how the different ingredients affect the texture of bread and using the various bread recipes I've done earlier as references, I mix and match and finally produce this. Presenting to you, my version of the Orange Bread.

Orange Bread (Recipe finetuned on 17 Mar, refer to here)
Dry Ingredients
250g bread flour
8g milk powder (1 tbl)
30g sugar
4g salt (1 tsp)
3g yeast (1 & 1/4 tsp)
Wet Ingredients
25g egg (half an egg)
25g magarine
110g freshly squeezed orange juice, unsieved (about 2 mid-size oranges)
1 tbl orange zest (about 1 orange)
1. Place the dry ingredients into a big bowl and mix well.
2. Add in the wet ingredients to form a dough.
3. Knead dough until dough is elastic and smooth.
*4. Place it in a large greased bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth or cling-wrap and leave it to proof in a warm place till double in size (about 1-1.5 hrs).
5. When proofing is completed, punch down the bread dough to release the air.
6. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions (about 47g per portion).
7. Shape each portion into a smooth ball and place them into a loaf pan.
8. Cover the loaf pan with a cling wrap and allow the dough to go for second proofing until double in size again (about 1 hr).

9. Brush the top with a little magarine and sprinkle some sugar on top.
10. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 15-20 minutes. If the top has browned, you can cover the top with an aluminium foil to continue baking.
11. Remove bread from loaf pan to cool completely.
* I'm not too sure if it's the cool weather today, but my first proofing took 2 hours to be done. The second proofing wasn't much better. I ended up proofing the bread in my oven to speed up the process.

- I kneaded the dough using my VM, but decided to post the recipe in a "non-VM way" to cater for other bakers.

The bread turns out well, very soft and fluffy and taste absolutely orangy! It's a little sweet, so for those who prefer a less sweet bread, you may adjust the amount of sugar. Definitely a must try for those who love fruity bread! This is something different from our conventional bread. ;)
After note (7 Mar):
My dh ate the bread this morning. I ask him if it was too sweet. He said no. Since he doesn't like sweet things, I guess this recipe passed...hahaha... One thing I like about this bread is, the orange flavour will linger in your mouth for a while even after you finish the bread.

You've got to stop tempting us with your lovely bread!!! =P
you are really on the bread roll.. this looks lovely...
bernice, I'll have to stop all my wild imagination first! hahaha!!
cocoa, no choice. My hubby is against frequent cake-baking, so have to bake bread to satisfy my baking craze!
i love fruits! i'm definitely gonna try this! ^^ thanks for sharing~ :D is the bread sitting in the oven with a bowl of water? O.o is there a special purpose for it?
amandalwh, I proof the bread in the oven (around 30C) with a bowl of hot water (this helps prevent the crust from being dry) as yesterday was very cold and the bread took a long time to rise. I will probably bake this again on a hot day to see if it still takes a long time. If you happen to make this on a hot day, let me know also, ok?
Looka like your bread making skill has gone to another level, you can create your own recipe. Can i check with you, at what temp do you proof your bread in the oven, do you have to cover the dough and does the time depends on the quantity? And where do you place the hot water.
Meg, me experimenting mah...hee... I proof the dough at about 30C, estimation only coz my oven & thermometer cannot see the definite temperature when it goes very low. When you touch the pan inside the oven, it's warm and not hot and you know you're roughly there. No need to cover the dough coz you've got water to moisturise it. I just place the water next to my loaf pan, but make sure you use hot water (from the flask will do). As to the timing, just proof till the dough is double in size.
Wow you're so creative!
And the bread looks really delicious :P
I'm definitely gonna try this out.
Hi there! Your bread looks so yummy that I will try to bake it tomorrow! But one question - in your ingredients, you listed 8g milk powder, 4g salt, 2g yeast. How much is that in terms of tsp? Is it 1 tsp / 0.5 tsp / 0.25 tsp? Hope you can clarify. Thanks!
thanks sweet-tooth. let me know your feedback.
michelle, your conversion qns are tough! lol...coz I always use my electronic scale. I went to re-measure the ingredients to get the readings for you.
8g milk powder = 1 tbl
4g salt = 1 tsp
2g yeast = 1/2 tsp
Happy baking! :)
Hi, I love your orange buns! Can I have one pleassseee!! I have already bookmarked this recipe :)
Thanks so much! Sorry for the trouble. I shall buy a electronic scale the next time I am back in Singapore and bring it back with me to Mongolia!
I will let you know how the bread turns out. Can't wait!
HHB, how you want me to send to you? lol....
michelle, no trouble at all. awaiting your feedback. :)
Hi! Tried baking the orange bread yesterday. Sad to say, I don't think it was a complete success for me. The taste of the bread is good, but somehow it did not turn out as fluffy as yours! Its a bit dense. Maybe I did not prove long enough? Anyway, I won't give up and will try again!
Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)
michelle, don't give up! sometimes the weather plays a part in the proofing too. these few days do not seem to be good for making bread, always raining. :(
Is there a specific way to shape the dough into a smooth dough. I find that whenever I try to shape it into a smooth dough, the surface is too dry and the dough does not "stick". It always bounces back to original shape. Any tips? Thanks!
michelle, I've finetuned the recipe based on some feedback. This time round, I've done it using hand kneading, so you shd have higher success rate now. Do try it again.
To shape a dough into a round ball, this is what I do. For dough before first proofing, hold the dough in your hands and keep wrapping/folding the sides downwards towards the center (below). As you wrap down, you will be pulling the dough a little. Try to do it in all directions so that you don't end up just wrapping 2 sides. After a few wraps, you should see the top of the dough to be very smooth. Seal up the bottom opening by pressing and put the dough into a well greased bowl to proof, with the sealed end facing down.
Err...hope you understand what I mean. I'm quite bad at explaining things.
Hi there! I totally understand what you have described. Thanks so much! How do I go about shaping the dough into a smooth ball before 2nd proofing? Do I use the same technique?
Yes, michelle, you can use the same method. Alternatively, roll out each small ball using a rolling pin. Then pretend you're wrapping bun or pau, except that there is no fillings in this case. Wrap each side towards the center and seal up the opening. If the ball does not seem smooth, then further pull the dough towards the center gently and keep sealing it up (a little like the first proofing method).
Hi! After the success with the yogurt bread, I have more confidence to try this orange bread again. heh heh. Do you think this recipe can be used for a loaf instead of individual buns?
Michelle, I don't see why not, though personally I'll prefer it in little buns. Easier to just tear and eat it on its own.
i love bread
and this look delicios
im from brasil and i love cook !!
visit my blogg!!
beijos e abraços !!
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