Warning: These are super healthy and addictive snacks for both adults and children, especially orange lovers...hahaha...
Recipe adapted from "Cooking for Kids"
Orange, Apple & Wolfberry Muffins
Yields about 21 cuppies or 15 muffins (all 80% full after baked)
360g plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
120g castor or fine sugar
4 eggs
120g melted butter
180ml freshly squeezed orange juice, unsieved (from 2 oranges)
180ml water
1 tblsp orange zest (from 1 orange)
1 tsp vanilla essence
50g wolfberrr fruits
1 apple (peeled and diced) (I use green apple)
1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
2. Sift flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl. Add sugar and stir to mix well.
3. In another bowl, beat the eggs, add in melted butter, orange juice, water, orange zest and vanilla essence. Mix well.
4. Pour the liquid mixture into the flour mixture and combine well before adding wolfberry and apples.
5. Pour the batter into cups and bake for about 25-30 minutes until top is lightly browned.
- You do not need a mixer for this recipe. I just use a spoon and stir to mix as the batter is rather liquid.
- The batter does not rise very much. I filled my cups 2/3 full and the muffins did not reach the rim after baked. You can fill to about 80-85%. Do note that the number of muffins/cuppies yielded (as stated above) is based on 2/3 full batter.
- The muffins will be bright orangy-yellow after baked.
I baked these mainly for my 3 kids who would be telling me they're hungry every afternoon! The whole kitchen smelled so good while these are baking.
The orginal recipe uses milk, but I've changed it to use orange juice and water instead. I've also increased the amount of wolfberry since these are good for kids too. I'm very happy with the result and will do these again in future. The muffins would probably be a hit with kids with its tangy flavour and loads of goodness!

Wow wf! Looks simple to make, I will definitely try it :)
yes yuri. This is definitely a simple recipe with full flavour! Try it and let me know whether you like it, ok?
Wowww. This looks yummy definitely!
zhengning, thanks for dropping by. Give it a try if you have the chance. :)
WF, really very good. you pass with flying colours. now only left 1 pc. leaving it for Natasha tonight. Thanks for the muffins!
You're welcome, Gina! Glad you all like it. :)
wow.. a good one to keep in my list. I always wanted to bake something healthy for my family
yap cocoa, this is definitely a keeper with all the goodness and they're not too sweet.
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