I did 3 different fillings, marshmellow, my own homemade soy bean ice-cream and honeydew. The best ones were the ice-creams, also the most tedious. Through the different fillings, I've learnt something about mochi. Never put too big a filling, the mochi will sag and start to tear. The best way is to shape your fillings round. Mochi seems to work magically well with anything round...lol...
Mochi with soy bean ice-cream

Mochi with honeydew

If you're interested to try, here's the recipe.
Chocolate Mochi
1 & 1/4 cup glutinous rice flour or mochiko
1/2 cup chocolate, melted (I use a mix of chocolate chips and chocolate truffles)
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1. Stir all ingredients in a heat-proof bowl until smooth. Make sure there isn't any lumps.
2. Steam in high heat for 30-45 minutes until the mochi is cooked.
3. While it is still hot, knead the mochi with a mixer at medium speed until it is elastic. Leave to cool before wrapping your desired filling. You can refer to the original recipe for tips on wrapping.
4. Dust each mochi ball with some cocoa powder and chill before serving.
After note:
I realised the mochi is a little chewy and not as soft as my first batch after I've chilled them. I suspect it's due to the chocolate and cocoa powder dusting, coz I read from the net that these taste like chewing gum (although mine wasn't really that bad)! So maybe it's best to just eat them fresh.

hey wf, thanks for trying this. I've been too lazy and chicken to try cos i had not been lucky with anything QQ although rei told me the steps.
one question, did you steam the mixture as a "whole" or did you break into small pieces? another silly question, did you steam it in the same heat-proof bowl?
yuri, be prepared to get a messy table and flour all over you...lol... It's really quite tricky to handle this. I was like garang gabo throughout.
I mix all the ingredients then sieve them into a mixing bowl and just steam like this. After that just knead the whole thing in the same bowl.
omg, messy :S btw, u used the mixer to knead right? ok must pluck up courage to try tonight while i let the breadmaker make dough (gonna freeze the dough)
yes yuri, I use my hand held mixer (speed 3 out of 5).
Hi KWF, Yuri...are these the Jap style mochi? My husband saw a outlet selling this Mochi for $2 a piece. He asked me to make for him, coz he likes them...but I am not a fan of this kind of QQ, floury floury stuff, but I did promise that I will find out how to make them! So KWF, can I ask did u use glutinous rice flour or mochiko(?) where can I get this mochiko? is there any difference? thanks in advance!
HHB, err...not too sure what is Jap style, but I think shd be, coz I got the idea from a reading that was talking about this Jap lady making mochi (refer to here). $2 a piece?! Then you must really try this.
I just added an after note. It's best to eat these fresh coz the texture turns a little more chewy than it shd be after chilling. If you intend to make and eat them frsh, I'll strongly suggest to reduce the amount of water, maybe to 3/4 cup? Coz when I did this recipe, it sagged quite a bit after shaping. If you don't intend to make a chocolate one, try the original plain mochi I've previously done. That one works and holds much better. And oh yes, it may be better to wear gloves while handling them.
I've used glutinous rice flour for both rounds. You can get mochiko from Daiso. I haven't try that yet, but I heard there is some difference. If Daiso is not too inconvenient for you, get a pack It is supposed to give a different texture.
If you find a better recipe, let me know also, ok? :)
HHB, I may have added too much chocolate into my mochi. Mdm Urakawa suggested the following portion.
- 1 & 1/2 cups mochiko
- 1 & 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 cup sugar
- Pinch salt
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup melted chocolate chips
Maybe you try using the above proportion and see if it's still as chewy after chilling.
Hi kwf, thanks so much for the useful tips & info. I will get the flour from Daiso then. I've already bookmarked this page :)
HHB, let me know your result after you've tried, especially after chilling. Not too sure whether to try that again.
Hi KWF, can help me to covert all these to grams?
- 1 & 1/2 cups mochiko
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup melted chocolate chips
i looked at many websites for conversion but i get different figures..so confused now..
hope to hear from you soon. thanks! =)
and can i use normal chocolate to substitute the chocolate chips?
hi anonymous, sorry for the late reply. I couldn't convert the ingredients for you right now as I do not have the ingrdients on hand. Will do it for you the next round I do mochi, ok? Sorry...
Errmm...normal chocolate as in baking chocolate or commercial chocolate for consumption? Baking chocolate shouldn't be a problem. I'm not too sure about commercial chocolate though.
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