I've adapted the original breadmaker recipe to suit my VM.
Cream Cheese Bread
Ingredients (1 loaf)
160g water
250g bread flour
50g cream cheese, softened
10g powder milk
15g castor sugar
3g salt
20g butter
3g dry yeast
Method (using VM)
1. Place all dry ingredients into the VM and mix for 10sec using variable speed 5.
2. Add in all wet ingredients and mix for 3-5 secs to form a dough.
3. Switch to high speed. Knead dough by quickly turning the machine ON and OFF a few times. Stop the machine and use a wet spatula to scrape the dough from sides of container, pulling the dough toward the center of the mixture. Remove spatula and repeat the kneading process until the dough form a ball on top of the blades. Knead the dough for another 5 more minutes.
4. Invert the container over a slightly greased large bowl to remove the dough. Shape the dough into a ball. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth or cling-wrap and leave it to proof in a warm place till double its size (about 1 hour).
5. When proofing is completed, punch down the bread dough to release the air.
6. Roll out the dough into a large rectangle with the shorter end to be the same length as the length of the loaf pan. Starting with the shorter end, roll up the dough swiss roll style and place it into the loaf pan to proof until double its size again (about 30-45 minutes).
7. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 30 minutes.
8. Remove bread from loaf pan to cool completely.
This bread can be done using hand kneading. It takes about 30-40 minutes to get a smooth and elastic dough.


Wah, the bread looks soooo good. Will definitely try it. I guess I'll try it with my breadmaker tonight. I wish I'm as conscientious as you.
meg, let me know the results of yours ok? btw, can you also leave me your blog address, if you have one?
ooh. Ive got to try this out. I am a dunce when it comes to making bread. My loaves always turn out dense and wet.
Believe it or not, amrita, I've got a few of those dense and wet bread in my inital bread baking stage. Now is a little better, but occasionally I'll still get a failed product. So don't give up, ok?
Hi kwf,
I've just finished my breakfast, made this loaf last night and it's still very soft this morning. I'm so happy, my only complaint is that the breadmachine made the crust too brown though I selected medium for the colour. My better half is full of praise, it really made my day, thanks for sharing this recipe.
sorry kwf, I do not have a blog, am afraid I might not have the time and discipline to maintain it, my better half will tell you that's not true , it's more likely I'm afraid to venture into something unknown.
Hi kwf, u r inspiring me to venture in making bread as my son loves buns. Is a beadmaker necessary?
Meg, glad you like the bread. We finish the whole loaf in one day...lol... In a way we're alike, I'm also afraid to venture into sth new, but sometimes I may try to change a recipe a little to better suit my family after succeeding for the first time.
Yuri, it's not necessary to have a breadmachine to make bread. You can also hand knead the dough, but I can tell you it's a lot of work! My hand kneading skills sucks, so I'll rather leave it to a machine and get it done in 15 minutes time (my VM).
Wow the bread looks fantastic!
It's gonna be on my to-do list :D
sweet-tooth, do try it and let me know your feedback.
I'm not really sure what a VM is...
So can i just put the ingredients into the breadmachine and use dough function and continue from step 4?
Thanks in advance!
Btw, may i link you? :D
sweet-tooth, VM is my high performance Vita-mix blender. For the bread machine recipe, follow the original recipe link I posted.
I tried baking it yesterday and it turned out pretty good. Have not tried eating it yet but would like to check how long can it keep at room temperature since it contains cream cheese. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Wendy, I usually keep my homebake bread in room temperature only on the same day of baking. If I bake the bread in the evening, I'll leave it in room temperature till the next morning. After that I'll keep the remaining in the fridge and leave it in room temperature for a while before consuming. This bread tastes just as good the next day.
HI kwf
i stumbled upon your blog via KC..really enjoy reading about your baking adventures. Keep it up! btw, thks for all your tips on the orange bread in kc...
i have tried the cream cheese bread sometime back using breadmachine. however, i used the spreadable cream cheese instead of the cream cheese for baking. i didn't realise the mistake until i read the posts in KC. Would like to ask, is there any difference between using spreadable cream cheese and normal cc for baking? I have made the hokkaido milk loaf before and found the texture to be softer than the cream cheese bread. Could it be due to the wrong type of cc used?
octopusmum, I'm not too sure if it's due to the different type of cream cheese as I haven't personally tried it using the cream cheese spread, though I know some have tried it. But I doubt so. It probably is because this has a different texture as the Hokkaido milk loaf. But nonetheless, it should not be too hard.
HI Kwf
thks much for your explanation.
can't wait to finish the cc spread now so that i can get the bakeable type to try the cream cheese bread again!I love the hokkaido milk loaf but only made it once because it uses whipping cream and i hardly have a chance to use cream...
btw, may i ask, is it okay to double the cream cheese bread recipe to yield a 2lb bread? When i made it the other time, the bread turned out to be a very small loaf.
I know what you mean, octopusmum. When I made Hokkaido loaf, I would need to make it consecutively for a few days so that I can finish the cream. It should be ok to double the recipe to have a bigger loaf. Otherwise you can use 1.5 times recipe. Why not you try spreading cc spread on bread or use it as a dip for french fries. Simply delicious!
that's exactly what i did ie spread cc on my bread every morning to try to finish it fast! ha..ha..
i can only "squeeze" some time to make bread during the wkends. sure cannot finish using the cream on time one...
So, VM can be used to knead the dough??? How did u do it? I only used my VM for soya milk and smoothie. I use my hand mixer to knead the dough till it almost broken.
And by the way, you get it for 1700S$? mine is only 21000NT$ around 945S$ wow...almost double price.
Fanny, yes, VM can definitely be used to knead dough. through my experimentations, I find that certain doughs (e.g. wet dough) are still better kneaded using our natural muscles. :) Hand mixer is not strong enough to "tahan" dough kneading, you'll need a higher end machine like KitchenAid (my dream). I bought my VM for S$1400+, have been using it for juices, soy milk, soup, bread.
thanks for sharing the cream cheese bread recipe. I tried it out yesterday using my kitchen aid - i must admit it's the best loaf i've ever done! It wasn't as tall as the one in your blog though, maybe cos i used an 8" loaf pan (silicon). But the texture is a winner!
Glad you like it, Annabel. My dream is to own a KA too so that I can do more bread. :D
Guess what, I've got a VM myself last year (jun 09). I've using it to make dough too. I was thinking whether anyone out there with the same machine so that we can exchange more recipes that uses VM. I'm so glad to see your site!
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