I used to do that. Multi-vit pills used to be part of my daily breakfast. Ever since I've bought the Vita-mix (VM), I've channeled the budget for pills to fruits and vegetables. In any case, nothing beats the real thing.

Today I made my first green juice, instead of my normal pink, orange, yellow ones. Though it may look weird, it actually tasted good. The two younger kids even ask for second serving. So I'm sure you'll like it too. :)
Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Juice
2 bunches of spinach
2 stalks of celery
2 oranges
1 red apple
2 starfruits (i small, 1 medium)
2 cups of Cranberry & Pomegranate (No Sugar Added) Juice
1 cup of ice cubes
Put all ingredients into the VM and blend using high speed for 1 minute. Use the tamper to push the fruits and vegetables down.

hello WF,
i baked banana yoghurt bread today, using your yoghurt bread recipe :) really satisfied with the results. never thought i could achieve such soft and fluffy bread. thanks for sharing!
oh yar, i baked your mixed herbs wholemeal bread today too. great too:) shall blog about it soon;p
Would like to check with you when you use VM to knead the bread dough, did you use the same container to make juice or a different container meant for bread. Look forward to hear from you and you have a nice weekend!
Thank you
hi hi you have been tagged.
ting, glad you like the breads. :)
serene, I use the same wet cup to knead my bread and make juice. But certain recipes are not really suitable to be kneaded with VM, especially those with very wet dough or very dry dough.
Edith, thanks for the tag. I'll check it out later.
Same as you, I shifted pills to fresh fruit & vegetable juice as well.
Here's the juice I used to have in the morning or you've heard about it perhaps :
5 green veggies juice
- 1/2 green apple
- 1/2 green bell pepper
- 1/4 cucumber
- 1/4 bitter melon
- 1 or 2 stalks of celery
chumpman, a toast to more natural & healthier lifestyle! I must try your version one day, but not too sure whether the kids will take it, with the bitter melon...is that equivalent to bittergourd?
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