I used Alex Goh's Chiffon Cheesecake as my virgin chiffon cake test. End up failing badly! Till now I haven't figure out what went wrong. So if any kind soul out there can give me some hints, I'll be very grateful. I'll definitely try it again. Won't give up yet till I get it better.
I even took some pictures along the way to mark the "historical" moment...lol...
This is how my batter looks like just before adding the egg white

Egg white beat to stiff, took me about 7 mins

The cake and cupcakes rising nicely in the oven

Two hours later, this is what I got :(

The only mistake I can recognise is this. I've put in the cupcakes and main cake together, which is very wrong, coz that would result in the cupcakes being overbake. The next time I attempt this, I shall just use my normal cake tin to avoid any confusion.
The cakes rose like a dome in the oven. Even after I took them out from the oven (I bake at 170C for 35 mins), they did not collapse. So I inverted them on the wire rack and waited. Two hours later, when I unlodge the cakes, to my dismay, I found the bottom of the cake and cupcakes all caved in.
In my mind, these questions keep popping up:
- Was it because I've lined the bottom of the cake tin? I did not grease the tin though. Likely not, coz the same problem happens to my cupcakes too.
- Was it the way I stirred in the egg white? I always have problem doing that in a quick and light manner.
- Was it because I've bang the tin too hard just before baking? I only did it once. I didn't feel it was too hard, but I saw some bubbles bursting at the top of the batter.
I'm going to try this again on Wed. Hopefully the mystery will be solved by then. Although it doesn't taste as fluffy as a chiffon cake, it is still quite soft and nice, luckily.
And here's just a brief note on the dougnuts I've decorated this morning. They look nice after being dressed up, petite and cute. Now I only need to improve on the recipe to make them soft and fluffy so that I can have nice to see and nice to eat doughnuts.
The bare ones...

Dressed up for party!


Hi kwf. Cheer up, ok? You've been tagged! Please check out the link here. http://yuribake.blogspot.com/2008/02/meme.html
Thanks yuri! You've really made my day. :)
oy WF, I just noticed something. the egg whites are not done properly! must peak, or stand straight up..yours a bit curvy.
Wah! Luckily I took the pictures. So it seems that I've underbeaten the eggs. Shall try again on Wed to show you.
Hey WF, so have you tried making the chiffon cake again? U're not alone out there as I've never, for one time, achieved a desired result with chiffon lol! Chris
Chris, no. Don't intend to try again until I get a chance to change to a new bigger oven. Anyway, I'm not really a fan of chiffon, more of a fan of sponge cake.
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