24 June 2008

Addiction continues...

I think very soon I'll have to change this to a gardening blog instead...lol...

Went to a few nurseries over the weekend and bought a few more plants.


This looks like a chimera, though I'm not too sure.

Such a lovely color.

I think I better stop visiting nurseries for a while. My racks are getting full with the new plants and all my propagation.

Mood: happy


  1. Very nice av you have got! I used to like those with the lighter green leaves. I just killed my red gloxinia!! I used to keep one pot at the corridor...and it bloomed a couple of times, but I didnt have much luck with this latest one :(

  2. WF, lovely blooms. If I may suggest, put a chair at yr balcony, have a wine or even do yr knitting. Lovely isn't it to watch them. Enjoy them.

  3. HHB, what happen to your gloxi? Could it have gone into dormant but not dead? It's common with gloxi after blooming. If the tuber has not rotted, you can still save the plant.

    Sandra, too bad I don't have the luxury to place a chair there to enjoy (space constraint)...lol...I do sit on the balcony floor every morning to admire and examine my plants though.

  4. Hi KWF, I neglected it when I went for my holidays, terrible me! I decided to throw the pot away as it was sort of beyond cure! I once cut off all the leaves and stems of my previous pot, and it did start to re-grow and even bloomed. I guess I don't have the right spot to grow the plant as the only place is a the corridor which has got enought sunlight...but then, due to the breeze and occasional thunderstorm, my plants are not able to do well :'(
